About Stacey Coughlin

In my current arts-based research practice ‘Spatial Affinities’ I am exploring the use of relational aesthetics, hermeneutics, and dialogical art within spatial representations. I am interested in the essence of Space/Place and our emotional and behavioural responses to it, both within the individual and collective context. I am particularly drawn to the idea of conversations forming their own spaces, atmospheres or ambience and how mental imagery can emerge and linger through these interactions.

This strand of practice involves talking with individuals one-to-one to then form a physical and sensory environment, partially revealing elements of the discussion. The conversation itself is not shared with the audience, with layers of meaning and context both added and lost through the representational process.

My previous PhD research is a hermeneutic phenomenological study exploring creative engagement and co-creating temporary art spaces with older people with dementia in care homes. Working with the co-creators, temporary structures are formed from our shared responses to their previous experiences of spaces and values towards creative activities. This information is gathered through an object interview with a series of ‘totems’/object dialogue collection to capture relevant sensory stimulus to form a physical and multi-sensory environment. Unfortunately, due to the pandemic, I was unable to complete this research project.

As of Jan 2023 I am developing my practice of 'denscapes' further to explore new avenues and ways of working. Supported using public funding by Arts Council England through the Developing your Creative Practice grant.

I also work as a self-employed community-situated artist with arts for health organisations, such as Cartwheel Arts. I also work as an Emotional Support Worker (a qualified counsellor within an arts for wellbeing group); providing emotional and creative support for adults with mental health issues.
